December 25, 2016

May your days be merrier and brighter 

December 21, 2016

Be Wise.

World filled with people full of curiosity and ignorance. Different but they are connected each other. Let say people always want to know what happen to your life, want to know what you feel about, want to know many things which has nothing to do with them. They just curious, but actually they don't really care about it. It's just for satisfying their curiosity. Ignoring everything that you're really feel about. So, choose your word wisely and be careful to choose people who you want to share a thing with.

December 14, 2016

Fall Trip 2016

Back to routines, back to work. Back to my ordinary-not so ordinary- life.
I told you before on my previous post that I went to another country.
And the country is...*drumrolls* SOUTH KOREA.
Yap! I went to South Korea again after my spring trip last year and thanks to God that he gave me another chance to visit that country again in this fall season, which is a season that initially I wanted. Shout out for joy!~~
Unlike my previous trip, this time I was just strolling around Seoul for 10 days. I still glad tho because last year when I arrived at Seoul, me and my friend terribly got sick so yeah.. Ha!
That's okay. God give me another chance. Lol.
Together with my brother's friends, yeah I'm the youngest, we named this trip "FOOD HUNTER". Exactly! Unlike the previous year, I gained weight this time because I ate a lot, A LOT.
The best thing is that I accomplished my bucket list this year. Travel alone! Ok, let's say it's just half because I did strolling alone but still stayed together in the lodging house with one of them (my trip squad member) for the last 5 days. So, I'll write about my last 5 days on different post :)

our first meal
명동왕돈까스 - 홍대

December 13, 2016

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