February 17, 2016

Currently Watching : Cheese in The Trap

I know, It had been a long time since I posted about my trip to South Korea and I still haven't finished it tho. But, now I'm on fire to write about another things. Idk, I just feel like wanna to write anything about this if not I won't sleep well. LoL.
Love them!
So, lately I've been watching Korean Drama, Cheese in the Trap, and now I completely fall in love and absorbed into this drama.
Why? Not because I'm a lady who always have fantasy about beautiful-romantic-perfect relationship because of Kdrama overdose. Hmm..Maybee sometime :p BUT! I feel that this drama is full of real thing in a relationship tho, of course there're still unreal thing that will make this drama still become Kdrama.
Let's just be real, that's the point of Kdrama, right?

For real, I invested too many emotions and  feels into this drama. Don't know why but for me this drama feel so real. Their arguments, their talks, their love, their ego. asdfghjkl….
For the first time ever, at least for me, when Kdrama gave a vibe romance since the beginning but they still swayed your heart until the end. THIS! I LOVE THIS! Before, I watched Kdrama which gave a romance vibe from the beginning but I just get bored easily with this drama because everything feel so smooth not like the real world, right? This drama just different! 
Unlike other drama which is just give so cheesy romance but at the end just made me rethink and realize that it's so unreal. This drama just asdfghjklqwrejtiercitfdand.. (you know my feeling right?)
I fall in love with Jung character, I can understand his feels, how he don't wanna people to pity him and he just being so cold to everyone, not because he is a bad person. Simply, he just wanna to protect his own heart so he just make a very very high wall and make it sure that no one won't see the real him. Until he met Seol, someone who finally can break that wall and he can be real him without feel afraid that people will see him as a freak, as a strange one. We are all different. There's no freak person in this world, just different people from us and we are feel strange to accept that character.
This drama is still on going, now already at 12th. Last week, they didn't air it because of Seolal and I feel like hard to breath (call me hyperbola, but that's just my real situation). When they released 11&12 eps today I feel like finally can breath. Hahaha
I stole this sentences from the CinT fans at the web that I watched this drama.

"In our life, we need someone we can rely on and trust to share and to be ourselves."
이해요~ 나 알아 ㅠ.ㅠ

I can't wait for the next episode!! Kyaaaaa~~~~
Favourite scenes this week : (MANYYYY!!!)
Because the past episode, Seol and Jung had a fight soooo rarely to see them in romance mode. LoL

They run very hard realize that they miss each other after a long fight. 
Knowing that there's always someone who always there for you when you don't know where to go 
and feel to tired to face all the problems on your own.

and many more! Actually, I love this episode overall. Whole episode are my favourite one 

Favourite line this week :
"I have so many questions. But the fact that he is with me right now. And that I can see his face and hear his voice That I can feel his warmth… Those things alone are reason enough that we can not break up” - SEOL

Ikr, that's a little thing called love.

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