August 2, 2018


Semua dari kita pasti memiliki mimpi, sesuatu yang kadang kita lepasin untuk menjalani hidup yang jadi pilihan banyak orang. Banyak dari kita yang percaya kalo mimpi adalah sesuatu yang ga perlu dikejar, namun hanya untuk diangan-anganin saja. Aku ga bisa berkata bahwa apa yang akan kuceritain ini merupakan mimpi terbesar dalam hidupku. Tetapi, ini adalah salah satu hal dari hidupku yang ingin kucapai. Let's get it started!
Mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menuntut ilmu di negeri orang menjadi salah satu impian yang ingin dicapai banyak orang, termasuk aku sendiri. Pada saat aku masih menempuh kuliah S1, aku memiliki keinginan untuk meneruskan studi S2 di negeri ginseng, Korea Selatan, yang mana memang pada saat itu, which is 2012, Korea Selatan memang menjadi salah satu negara yang mulai disorot  publik karena drama, k-pop, variety show, etc. And maybe I was the one of victims of it. Memang, aku sudah kenal drama Korea sejak lama karena Mamaku sendiri penggemar drama Korea dan aku jadi ikut-ikutan nonton and that's it, nggak lebih dari itu. Sampai pada akhirnya di tahun 2012, aku dikenalkan oleh temanku variety show Korea yang akhirnya memunculkan keinginanku untuk sekolah disana dan bergabung dengan tim produksi variety show Korea (okay, dream big girl! lol). Variety show Korea pulalah yang akhirnya membuatku tertarik untuk belajar bahasa Korea, dari situ aku mulai belajar otodidak dan mengikuti kelas formal ataupun private class selama 10 bulan (Mungkin?? Jujur aku nggak inget. Haha) dan sisanya, aku belajar otodidak lagi. Keinginanku untuk sekolah disana semakin besar dan menjadi yang akhirnya aku mengutarkan niatku ke Papa, and he approved it. Bahagia deh akunya. Mulai aku mencari-mencari info gimana caranya sekolah disana, sekolah apa yang bagus, kalau mau S2 harus sekolah bahasa berapa lama dulu, everything lah pokoknya. Udah nih persiapan dokumen beres, saat itu rencananya aku mau sekolah bahasa dulu di Yonsei University (salah satu kampus keren di Korea Selatan ini. Hehe). And then suddenly, my dad changed his mind. He forbidded me to school abroad and it was really tearing my heart aparts. I cried a lot, I resisted. I became so quiet and locked myself in my room for 6 months or more, avoided to talk with my Dad. Yes, I know.  It was so childish when I was thinking back about that. Haha.

My Biggest Resolution in 2018

I used to have a bunch of resolutions, but this year I only have one resolution. These past years, no, in my life, I always depend on my own strength to get what I want. If I can't accomplish it, I will get annoyed and mad. However, I do not want to exhaust my energy trying to fight the current but follow it. To put my faith in God, and trust in the journey to be better me.
Don't know what 2018 will bring for me, but I hope, in this new year I have the courage to let God take a lead and trust in His plan.

January 12, 2018

2018. Moving On

Time flies so fast, real fast. I still hoping that Mr. Time will wait for me while I am trying to understand how this world works, but it won't happen. Last year, I got a great opportunity thru scholarship I can go to South Korea to learn their language deeper. That 4 months were definitely a great time for me at once a hard time for me. By the hard that I mean is, I learned a lot of things. As now is winter break, I went back to Indonesia to spend my break with my family and my beloved ones. Honestly, I don't want to go back to South Korea, I hate to leave my family and my friends. I realized while I was studying there I missed a lot of moments with my people. My niece's first birthday, my dad's birthday, and more. Then I realized another thing, that's part of life. We have to move on. Life will never be the same as it used to be. One by one people leave you, not completely leave you, but they will busy with their own life and you have to move on with your own life too. I have two older brothers, and when they got married one by one, I was so sad because I felt that from now on they will have their own family and we will not be together as we used to be. But, that is life. My friends, one by one they got married and it will not be the same as we used to be. Chats, will not as long as it used to be. Calls, will not as easy as it used to be. Meetups, will not as often as it used to be. We busy with our own life, our own problems, and anything else. All of that, taught me if that is the cycle of life. We have to keep moving on. We have to realize that things will never be the same as before. On the other side, better opportunities, better chances, better things are waiting for us.
I haven't made my new year resolutions this year, but for sure is one, will try to move on from the thing that I used to.

Happy New Year 2018, people!