October 23, 2016

Oh Sunday.

Hello there!
A week to go. Next Sunday I'll flight to another country.
Yey! Trip Trip Trip. It's been a long time since my last trip.
I've been waiting over 6 months for this trip. 
Feel excited? Yap. 
Feel scared? Yap too. 
Okay, I will tell you later after I came back from my trip, which is hmmm around mid next month.
I'll go there for 10 days I guess, many places to explore and I hope this time I can do something more and find something different and unique. Feel the culture and meet local people, I hope so.
So yeah, it's just a short notice from me.
Will bring another stories about my trip and hope it will be a enjoyable story.
Love y'!

"You'll never know until you go."

October 12, 2016

Realizing and Accepting

What is the meaning behind my title post?
So, some of you maybe had been through this too. When our brain already knew the truth and so aware about that. BUT! Our heart haven't ready yet to accept it. I've been thinking about this over and over again in these past few days and eventually my heart accept it now. There are no special reasons or events that made me accept that. The only answer is time. Time is the only reason why I finally accept the truth.
Realizing and accepting are two different things. Of course. Who said not? Haha
I, my brain, already realized about this truth a long long time ago but my heart still haven't ready yet to accept that truth. That's why I keep made mistakes over my heart's stupidity even my brain always gave many warnings to me. I tried many things to keep me awake and accept the truth as soon as possible. And in the middle of it, it's like a message that pop-out on my brain, that said to me 'Let's stop it now.', you know what? My heart immediately agree with that. Agree to stop it now. It just need a few secs.

You, who are now still in the middle of fight between your heart and your brain. Don't give up. Just let it flow and time will give you answer soon.. And your heart will be happily accepting that.
Keep in fight, guys!